How is Heart to Heart governed?
Heart to Heart falls under the fiduciary responsibility of Givat Haviva and Hashomer Hatzair - Camp Shomria Canada's boards of directors. Most governance responsibilities are executed by the Heart to Heart Fundraising and Community Building Committee (HHC) in Canada. The HHC is responsible for all matters of concern relating to raising funds for Heart to Heart both by holding special events, soliciting gifts, and making people aware of Heart to Heart’s mission and objectives. The committee also has a “value-added” function by providing strategic vision, leading and strengthening Heart to Heart through the establishment and monitoring of programs, goals, principles, policies and priorities. Please contact us if you have further questions or are interested in getting involved.
The alumni community, both its vision and programming, is primarily governed and led by the Alumni Leaders Forum, which is exactly what it sounds like. Dedicated alumni from all cohorts meet regularly with our year-round staff to discuss the future direction for the community, programming priorities, and community engagement and activism.
Is Heart to Heart a registered charity?
Although Heart to Heart is not its own registered charity, it operates under the umbrella of our Canadian parent organization, Hashomer Hatzair - Camp Shomria Canada. All eligible donations made to Heart to Heart in Canada receive a charitable tax receipt issued by our Canadian parent organization. For more information on making a donation in Israel or the USA, please contact us for instructions.
Heart to Heart falls under the fiduciary responsibility of Givat Haviva and Hashomer Hatzair - Camp Shomria Canada's boards of directors. Most governance responsibilities are executed by the Heart to Heart Fundraising and Community Building Committee (HHC) in Canada. The HHC is responsible for all matters of concern relating to raising funds for Heart to Heart both by holding special events, soliciting gifts, and making people aware of Heart to Heart’s mission and objectives. The committee also has a “value-added” function by providing strategic vision, leading and strengthening Heart to Heart through the establishment and monitoring of programs, goals, principles, policies and priorities. Please contact us if you have further questions or are interested in getting involved.
The alumni community, both its vision and programming, is primarily governed and led by the Alumni Leaders Forum, which is exactly what it sounds like. Dedicated alumni from all cohorts meet regularly with our year-round staff to discuss the future direction for the community, programming priorities, and community engagement and activism.
Is Heart to Heart a registered charity?
Although Heart to Heart is not its own registered charity, it operates under the umbrella of our Canadian parent organization, Hashomer Hatzair - Camp Shomria Canada. All eligible donations made to Heart to Heart in Canada receive a charitable tax receipt issued by our Canadian parent organization. For more information on making a donation in Israel or the USA, please contact us for instructions.